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Michal Schvarc

Research Fellow (10/2017–08/2018)


„We Are all Aware of the Fact That the Jew Is Our Greatest Enemy.” The Carpathian Germans and their Share in the Holocaust in Slovakia


SCHVARCThis project combines different methodological approaches to investigate the role of the German-speaking population in the Slovak Holocaust. It will incorporate socio-historical portrayals, a quantitative and qualitative analysis of newspapers, the political and organisational history of National Socialism, micro-history, and research on Nazi perpetrators. The project will analyse the interdependencies of racist ideology and antisemitic propaganda within its everyday exercise. Consequently, the antisemitic propaganda of the Deutsche Partei – the German Party in Slovakia – as the sole representative of the Carpathian Germans after 1938, the participation of their members in anti-Jewish riots, the entanglement of the party in ‘Aryanisations’, the role of the paramilitary volunteers in the deportations of 1942, the reactions of the German-speaking population to the events and mass killings, as well as the behaviour of the party and its sub-organisations after the military occupation of Slovakia by Nazi Germany at the end of August 1944 will be examined carefully. Finally, the question will be investigated whether and to what extent Carpathian Germans were held accountable in the post-war period and later in the 1950s and 1960s either in Czechoslovakia or in the Federal Republic of Germany.


Michal Schvarc completed his doctorate studies at the Matej-Bel University in Banská Bystrica in 2008 with a dissertation on the German Party of Slovakia, 1927–1938. After working in the Banská Bystrica State Archives, the National Slovakian National Museum, and the Slovak National Museum, he has since 2008 been working at the Historical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava.

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The Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) is funded by:


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