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Research Focus


The VWI International Academic Advisory Board regularly discusses possible future research fields for the institute in its sessions.


In 2012, a sub-commission of the Board named “European Perspectives of Holocaust Research” determined where the VWI ought to focus its research activities in the coming years. The sub-commission consisted of the Board members Gustavo Corni, Susanne Heim, Peter Longerich, and Dieter Pohl. Since 2012, these core fields have made up the basis of academic activities at the institute, ensuring that the VWI will continue evolving into an institution whose import and contribution to academic discourse make it a Central European centre of competence in Holocaust research.


The position paper “Europeanisation of the Holocaust” proposed six subject areas that are to be worked on more closely in coming papers as well as project applications:


  • "Anti-Jewish legislation in Europe, 1919/1933 to 1938/41",
  • "The murder of the Jews and the European public sphere",
  • "Indigenous organisations and the Holocaust outside of the Reich",
  • "Administration in the occupied areas, axis regimes and the Holocaust",
  • "Reactions by Jewish organisations and communities",
  • "Reactions by neutral states and international organisations to the persecution of the Jews in Germany"


All of these topics remain important issues in Holocaust research. However, the concrete implementation of the programme, both for the submissions for fellowships as well as for own project applications or larger tenders for projects of the European Commission in the coming years, further and new topics will become more and more important, such as


  • the role of early and local knowledge about the Holocaust,
  • genocides/nationalisms in a comparative perspective,
  • questions of the ethnicisation of social phenomena,
  • questions that the "Jewish Studies" approach pose in the broadest sense,
  • the persecution of Sinti and Roma, the integration of other groups of victims of the NS,
  • the digital or topographical presentation and visualisation of research results, an expansion of the institute's fields of activity in the direction of „Digital Humanities" and
  • forced migration.
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The Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) is funded by:


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