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Edith Raim

Senior Fellow (10/2016-03/2017)


Prosecuting Nazi Crimes in the Other Germany. The Soviet Zone and the Judicial Prosecution of Nazi Criminals, 1945–1949


RAIM01This study is conceived as a foundational work from a legal historical perspective on the judicial appraisal of Nazi crimes in the German Democratic Republic from 1945 to 1990. Along with the reconstruction of the justice administration and of the penal foundations (Control Council Directive No. 38, Control Council Law No. 10, Penal Code of the GDR), it analyses the entire East-German efforts at prosecution. The number of East-German cases has not only been notably corrected upwards by contrast to former studies through years of archival work in the Stasi Records Agency, the departure from constitutional principles in individual cases has also been exemplified through an autopsy of the case files. This project analyses (by contrast to West Germany and Austria) the various functions attributed to ‘Transitional Justice’ in the socialist state. It will focus especially on female defendants who at twelve per cent numbered significantly higher than in West Germany (5.5 per cent).


Edith Raim studied history and German in Munich and Princeton and worked as a DAAD lecturer in the United Kingdom, at the Haus der Geschichte in Bonn, and at the Institute for Contemporary History in Munich. She is a lecturer of Contemporary History in Augsburg and has published on Nazi history and the post-war era. Most recent publication: Nazi Crimes Against Jews and German Post-War Justice. The West German Judicial System During Allied Occupation (1945–1949), Berlin 2014.

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