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The Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VIW) is driven and inspired by research. The term “Holocaust Studies” stands for research on antisemitism, racism, and the Holocaust, including its origins and aftermath. A range of different questions, innovative methods, and the newest approaches are to be applied in this research. At the same time, fundamental questions such as the inextricable relationship between Holocaust and memory or the unique aspects of the Holocaust and their parallels to other genocides are themselves to be made the subject of research.


Research at the VWI is primarily conducted in the context of the fellowship programme. In addition, various research projects of flexible duration are housed at or supported by the VWI.


The fellowships allow early career scholars as well as experienced scholars to follow their own research interests. They work on questions and texts in a context of mutual exchange and present their research results during the course of their stay at the VWI to a small, interested professional audience as well as using their insights to contribute to current larger, international research agendas. The fellowship programme provides an opportunity to bring researchers of different ages and different research disciplines to Vienna, allowing for temporary affiliations with the VWI that will not interrupt the researchers’ academic careers. The fellows’ work is supervised by the VWI Research Programme Director, Éva Kovács.


On a second level, the VWI intends to initiate and conduct research projects in the field of Holocaust studies in close co-operation with its International Academic Advisory Board. Ideally, the fellowship research projects and the institute’s ongoing projects will mutually complement each other.


The VWI International Academic Advisory Board regularly evaluates and thus guarantees the quality of the research.


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The Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) is funded by:


bmbwf en 179


wienkultur 179


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