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Gerhard Baumgartner

Senior Fellow (10/2012 – 09/2013)


The ‘Zigeunerlager Lackenbach’ – a monograph


BaumgartnerThe 'Zigeunerlager Lackenbach' ('Gipsy Camp Lackenbach') is one of the most important sites of the Nazi persecution and murder of German and Austrian Roma and Sinti. Among the big camps from the Nazi era, it is one of the last ones not yet to have been the subject of a comprehensive monograph. Large-scale research projects in the 1990s revealed that Austrian regional or local archives held important sources on the history of the camp Lackenbach that had remained unknown due to the lack of systematic research into the matter. These sources as well as the documents of the post-war trials against members of the guards, and   eyewitness reports by camp survivors that were found in the victim care documentation will be used in order to close relevant research gaps on the history of the camp, including the history of the establishment of the camp and the preceding discussions or intentions of the offices involved. At the same time, we will try to compile the most comprehensive list possible of the about 4,000 prisoners of the camp Lackenbach. The research project also aims to place the camp Lackenbach in its wider context of other internment and forced labour camps for Roma and Sinti as well as the overall system of concentration camps.


Gerhard Baumgartner, historian and journalist, lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences FH-Joanneum in Graz/Austria, head of research of the international research association “Kanzlei” in Vienna; member of the editorial board of the historical journal ÖZG – Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften; former team member of the “Austrian Historians´Commission”; project leader of the current project “Name-Database of Austrian Holocaust Victims among the Roma and Sinti”, editor in chief of TV-programs with the Austrian public TV station ORF-Burgenland. He has lectured at several universities in Vienna, Salzburg, Klagenfurt, Budapest and Tel Aviv and was awarded the Comenius Medal for European Education Media in 2003.


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The Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) is funded by:


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