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Eva Reder
Junior Fellow (10/2013 – 08/2014)

Pogroms in Poland 1918-1920 and 1945/1946: Triggers, Motives, Practices of Violence


REDERThe project analyses pogroms in Poland comparing the periods 1918-20 and 1945/46, focusing on the triggers of pogroms, the role of the emerging statehood as well as the perpetrators’ self-perception. In both reference periods, pogrom violence referred closely to the establishment of Polish statehood, even though this happened under divergent circumstances. Both phases involved exceptionally large numbers of pogroms. In both cases profound socio-political ruptures and paradigm shifts took place, where the need to create enemies was tremendous. An examination of the perpetrators’ verbal utterances and actions during and after the pogrom allows to identify their symbolic reference points, which express anti-Semitic stereotypes and show how the pogromists defined their relations towards state authorities. The project will offer insights about prejudices during transitional phases, the dynamics of pogroms and how narratives of violence are preserved. The pogroms are re¬constructed by means of eyewitness accounts, military records and court files.


Eva Reder, doctoral student at the University of Vienna, Department of Eastern European History and Department of Contemporary History. Dissertation project (Working title): Pogroms in Poland 1918-1920 and 1945/46. After being a journalist in Vienna, she did archival research in Poland and Ukraine in 2009. From 2010-2013 she was a research associate at the Österreichische Mediathek, Technisches Museum Wien. Fellow at Herder-Institut, Marburg and German Historical Institute, Warsaw (2012/2014). 

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The Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) is funded by:


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