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Displacement – Exile – Emigration


The Documentation Centre of Austrian Resistance (DÖW) ran a project opening up the estate of the law firm Ebner until 2014. Dr. Hugo Ebner represented numerous victims of Nazi persecution who had been displaced from Austria in or after 1938 due to their Jewish background (and sometimes also for political reasons) in reparation cases. The estate holds around 7,000 files revealing details of the victims’ circumstances, careers, and biographies before and after their displacement. These can help illuminate quantitatively and empirically such issues as social background, disruptions in the victims’ lives as a result of the enforced exile, as well as gender-specific aspects of survival in the country of exile and many other important aspects of their post-war history of exile, allowing for some degree of reconstruction.


In co-operation with DÖW, the VWI ran a complimentary project entitled Displacement – Exile – Emigration: The Jewish Austrians Displaced by National Socialism Reflected in the Emigration Index of the IKG Vienna. This project expanded on the findings of the DÖW project through an examination of test samples drawn from this index and the corresponding questionnaires held on microfiche in the IKG archive. This project thus placed the previous results onto a broader methodological level. This led especially to an innovative combination of the quantitative results with the database of DÖW’s Ebner project as well as with DÖW’s database of Austrian victims of the Holocaust, allowing for a first ever overview of the persecution, flight, and murder of Jewish Austrians.


The project was run by DÖW scholar Claudia Kuretsidis-Haider and was completed in 2014.

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The Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) is funded by:


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