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The Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) organises academic events in order to provide the broader public as well as an expert audience with regular insights into the most recent research results in the fields of Holocaust, genocide, and racism research. These events, some of which extend beyond academia in the stricter sense, take on different formats ranging from small lectures to the larger Simon Wiesenthal Lectures and from workshops addressing an expert audience to larger international conferences and the Simon Wiesenthal Conferences. This reflects the institute’s wide range of activities.


The range of events further extends to the presentation of selected new publications on the institute’s topics of interest, interventions in the public space, the film series VWI Visuals, and the fellows’ expert colloquia.



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Simon Wiesenthal Lecture
Thomas Chopard: Images and Voices from the 1941 Lviv Pogrom

Thursday, 22. June 2023, 18:30 - 20:00

Wien Museum MUSA 1010 Wien, Felderstraße 6–8


Of the around one hundred pogroms of the summer of 1941, the Lviv pogrom is probably the most pictured. This talk intends to use the various photographs of this moment as an entry point to analyse anti-Jewish violence in Western Ukraine on the early days of the German invasion of the Soviet Union. While historians’ debates usually revolve around the question of the political responsibility of the different actors at stake (German army, Einsatzgruppen, Ukrainian nationalists and militia, etc.), these photographs offer the rare opportunity to shift our gaze to the streets of the multi-ethnic city of Lviv, which was turned upside down by anti-Jewish violence. What role did the armed forces that captured the city play in the propagation and radicalisation of the crowd? How do you turn neighbours into perpetrators or accomplices of anti-Jewish violence? By confronting the pictures with the testimonies of victims and witnesses, this presentation will also consider closely the reaction, engagement, and evolution of the crowd in the images. By approaching these events of June-July 1941 through photographs, this talk also intends to advocate for a comprehensive reading of pictures to offer a better comprehension of the Holocaust.

Thomas Chopard is an assistant professor at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS) in Paris and currently a visiting researcher at the Institute for International Studies at Prague University. His research broadly deals with the history of Ukraine and the history of anti-Jewish violence and Jewish migration in Central-Eastern Europe.

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