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The Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) organises academic events in order to provide the broader public as well as an expert audience with regular insights into the most recent research results in the fields of Holocaust, genocide, and racism research. These events, some of which extend beyond academia in the stricter sense, take on different formats ranging from small lectures to the larger Simon Wiesenthal Lectures and from workshops addressing an expert audience to larger international conferences and the Simon Wiesenthal Conferences. This reflects the institute’s wide range of activities.


The range of events further extends to the presentation of selected new publications on the institute’s topics of interest, interventions in the public space, the film series VWI Visuals, and the fellows’ expert colloquia.



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Simon Wiesenthal Lecture
Kateřina Čapková: "You Ask why I was in a Labor Camp": Czechoslovak Jews and Roma Demand Recognition of Their Wartime Suffering

Thursday, 23. March 2023, 18:30 - 20:00

Wien Museum MUSA 1010 Wien, Felderstraße 6–8


Although World War II affected the lives of all inhabitants of the Bohemian lands (today‘s Czech Republic) and Slovakia, only two communities – Jews and Roma – experienced genocide during the war, with entire families perishing and most of their members being sent to concentration or labor camps. When members of these two communities tried to seek recognition of their suffering after the war, they encountered many obstacles. Based on the analysis of concrete individual claims, the presentation will discuss similarities and differences in the recognition of the wartime suffering of the two communities.

Kateřina Čapková is a Senior Researcher at the Institute of Contemporary History, Prague. Among her last books are Prague and Beyond: Jews in the Bohemian Lands, co-edited with Hillel Kieval, Jewish and Romani Families in the Holocaust and its Aftermath, co-edited with Eliyana Adler, and Jewish Lives under Communism, co-edited with Kamil Kijek. In 2016 she established the Prague Forum for Romani Histories.

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